Ashish Kumar Yadav

Programmer | web Developer


I am a creative MERN developer and Programmer

About me

I am a fullstack web developer with good knowledge of frontend and as well as backend , I love competitive programming also to enchance my programming thinking, I always like spending time in web developing , fixing bugs and optimizing web apps. I also like to work in a team , because you'll learn fast and much more.As we know 'Two heads are better than one'.



Ashish kumar yadav


19 years

Location: M-14, BCCL colony, Dugda dist-Bokaro (JHARKHAND) 828404

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“I am still learning.” — Michelangelo


Heritage Instite of Technology, Kolkata

Aug 2019 - Aug 2022

Course - Btech (Computer Science)

As i am a lateral entry, i only need 3-years to complete my graduation. Here I learned many things which I did not learn in diploma. such as Theory of Automation , compiler design , Higher Mathematics , probablity and statics etc. and And many things are yet to come.

Government Polytechnic, Dhanbad

Aug 2016 - Aug 2019

Course - Diploma (Computer Science)

Here i almost learnt everything to be a programmer , i have practiced alot during these three years, where i got the core concept of c and c++ . Also got the concept of both procedural language and object oriented language.

DAV Public School, Dugda

* - Aug 2016

Course - Metriculation

I have matriculated , where i enjoyed doing maths and science. I have participated in many math and science releated competition .


“Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.” — African Proverb


  • Bootstrap Framework
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • JSON
  • MySQL
  • XML
  • Command line interface
  • jQuery
  • Javascript
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • React
  • Ejs
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • C-language
  • C++
  • C++ STL
  • Java
  • python
  • Assembly
  • DS & Algo
  • Operating Sytems
  • Computer Architechture
  • Compile Design

You can visit my Github account to see repositories.

Go to Github


  • English(work)
  • Hindi(Daily use)
  • Bengali(ektu)
  • Bhojpuri(tanisun)


  • Visual Studio
  • MS office
  • Chrome Dev Tools
  • Windows
  • Sublime Text
  • DEV C++
  • Code Blocks
  • Eclipse
  • Git-cui
  • GitHub


“You can do anything you set your mind to.” - Benjamin Franklin


“You can do anything you set your mind to.” - Benjamin Franklin